Diane Savona

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Climate Data

As I wrote on Monday, The Timbuktu Tablet and this one are meant as a pair. I was sewing Timbuktu when my husband  looked at it and said 'it's a bit like what you were telling me about climate data, isn't it?' Well, yes it is. Scientists today are doing what the ancient librarians did - securing information so it isn't destroyed by barbarians. 

 In Timbuktu, I couldn't just show men digging holes and burying crates. And for this one, I couldn't just show people sitting at computers, tearing their hair out. I needed to put together images of scientists gathering climate data:

I found all sorts of climate/weather symbols:

Hmmm: lots of photos of MEN sitting in front of banks of computer screens...

also need images of devices used to store the data:

OK, ready for a first try:

 I really loved that image of a woman in a red coat, seen recording data on the left side here. I wanted to include her. It didn't work.

I combined a photo of a computer bank.....

...with photos of messily littered desks:

added these 2 guys:

and 2 artic scientists from the second photo, and came up with this second version:

We'll finish up on Friday.